Collect homework due Wednesday, 2/19:
Read in Weiten text pages 303 – 318 Write down and respond to Key Learning Goals 9:1 on page 304, 9.2 on page 305 and 9.3 on page 312 (first Key Learning Goal only) Watch and take detailed notes on Crash Course Psychology #17, The Power of Motivation Learning Target: Discuss the biological underpinnings of motivation, including needs, drives, and homeostasis. Assignment is a mix of class work and homework: Students to start on this assignment today. Completed work due Friday, 2/21. Refer students to for assignment and homework details. Once on website go to AP Psych then class info (like a blog format): Watch TED Talk by Daniel Pink and take notes (“Daniel Pink on the Puzzle of Motivation.” (July 2009). TedTalks, 18:40) Respond to the following:
Lesson Plan for Wednesday, 2/19/20. Please use class time wisely today to work on Psychology. Turn in assignment due for today and any homework for Friday that you complete.
Turn in homework due Wednesday, 2/19: Read in Weiten text pages 303 – 318 Write down and respond to Key Learning Goals - 9:1 on page 304, 9.2 on page 305 and 9.3 on page 312 (first Key Learning Goal only) Watch and take detailed notes on Crash Course Psychology #17, The Power of Motivation Learning Target: Discuss the biological underpinnings of motivation, including needs, drives, and homeostasis. Assignment:
Homework due Friday, 2/21: Watch TED Talk by Daniel Pink and take notes (“Daniel Pink on the Puzzle of Motivation.” (July 2009). TedTalks, 18:40) Respond to the following
In class we have discussed strategies and techniques to assist as you strive for a 5.
Refer to post dated 4/25/2018) for link to TERC.
Please leave any missing Assignments for first nine weeks on my desk or see me tomorrow (Wednesday) to turn in work.
AP Psychology Ms. RomaineClass Information |